The Respiratory Therapy team at Spooner Health are specially trained to treat and restore function for patients with airway and breathing problems. Diagnostic and therapeutic services are provided by licensed and credentialed therapists.
Respiratory Therapy is available to both patients who are hospitalized, and also on an outpatient basis.
Our Respiratory Therapists at Spooner Health provides treatment and care for:
- Asthma, reactive airway or exercise induced
- Bronchiolitis
- Chronic lung disease
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
- Oxygen needs assessment
- Respiratory distress syndrome
- Respiratory failure
- Smoking, vaping, or smokeless cessation (Youth & Adult)
What is Inpatient Respiratory Therapy?
If you are a patient in the hospital, respiratory services provides treatments to help get your breathing back to your baseline. This may mean getting medication in a nebulized form to help open your breathing airways. You may receive oxygen or you may be assisted in your breathing with the help of machines that breathe for you. Our respiratory therapists in Spooner works closely with the nursing staff, hospitalists, and physicians to ensure proper respiratory treatments are meeting your individual needs.
Therapeutic respiratory treatments available to patients at Spooner Health include:
- Pulmonary function testing
- Bronchial hygiene therapy
- Arterial blood gas sampling
- Ventilation therapy
- Oxygen therapy
- Hyperinflation therapy
- Education catered to your respiratory needs
What does Spooner Health offer for Outpatient Respiratory Therapy?
Outpatient respiratory breathing treatments are available at Spooner Health for patients needing help in breathing or clearing mucus. Respiratory disease education such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is also available. A physician's order for these services is necessary.
- Pulmonary Function Tests
- Provide education on disease, disorders, and medication administration
- Smoking, vaping, and smokeless cessation
- EKGs
- Oxygen qualifications
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 715-939-1536.

Respiratory Therapy Testing
What is a Pulmonary Function Test, or PFT?
A Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) measures your lungs' ability to function. It also may measure how you respond to a medication that affects your breathing. This test can help to diagnose various lung disorders. The pulmonary function test is performed in Spooner by our respiratory therapists through multiple breathing maneuvers and is completely painless.
What is an arterial blood gas?
Arterial blood gas measures how much oxygen and carbon dioxide your blood contains as it leaves your heart. The oxygen and carbon dioxide levels of your blood and the pH balance of your blood can indicate the presence of certain medical conditions, such as cardiac, lung, or kidney disorders. The sample is obtained by a simple blood test. The test may be ordered by our respiratory therapists to help determine how well you are ventilating and the amount of oxygen your body is receiving.