Roundtable Discussion with State Senator Janet Bewley
SPOONER, WI (November 21, 2016)—Spooner Health hosted a roundtable discussion with State Senator Janet Bewley on Friday, November 18. The roundtable was organized by the Wisconsin Hospital Association to provide an opportunity for hospital members to meet their legislator and foster discussion on important issues impacting Wisconsin hospitals.
Four leaders from Spooner Health participated along with representatives from Cumberland Healthcare, Hayward Area Memorial Hospital, Burnett Medical Center and the Wisconsin Hospital Association.
The discussion covered many key issues including health care’s role in economic development, workforce, Medicaid payment, regulatory reform for behavioral health and team-based care, challenges related to post-acute care and opioid treatment/prevention.
At one point, Bewley looked around the table and spoke of the respective hospitals represented, “You are at the core for how healthcare is provided in your communities. That’s why you are so critical to the future.”
Mike Schafer, Spooner Health CEO, said, “It was a great opportunity to host a roundtable event such as this. We appreciate Senator Bewley’s understanding of rural medicine and support of finding solutions for healthcare concerns.” The group had meaningful dialogue about healthcare issues and concerns for over an hour. Schafer adds, “Bewley had some things to share with us and she was also eager to listen and learn from us about the concerns our hospitals are facing and the impact they have on being able to provide accessible healthcare to our communities.”